Set Yourself up for Success

You know the times when you feel inspired to set some new goals and intentions?

It might be losing those 5kg that just don’t want to budge, saving for that trip to Europe that you’ve been dreaming of for years, or finally following your inner calling of fully living your purpose and not holding back anymore. 

You feel excited and inspired with the thought of your desired outcome and set out optimistically.

However, sooner or later, something happens that brings up an underlying form of guilt, feelings of shame or fear in you; in other words not feeling good enough or paralysed.

Next, you find yourself sabotaging your initial goals, doubting your capabilities or feel downright flat and unmotivated.

Gone are the good intentions and dreams, or so it seems. 

Why is it that we can feel highly inspired, joyful and on track one moment and not the next, therefore giving up on our goals and dreams or at least leading ourselves into what feels like an endless struggle of ups and downs? 

“As humans, we all have reaction patterns playing out around our emotions or states of being.

According to Dr David Hawkins, there are 22 emotions on the Scale of Consciousness with a frequency from 0 to 1000. These range from shame, guilt and dogma around 20-50, to unconditional love at 500, to joy, enlightenment and purpose at 700-1000. More than 85% of humanity vibrates at a frequency below 200, and is therefore stuck in shame, fear and basic survival mode. 

As humans, we all have reaction patterns playing out around our emotions or states of being. They come from various times along our time line (this life and past lives), when we experienced a strong response to a situation or a trauma that didn't get processed at the time. Therefore, we have many beliefs and trapped emotions in our body, causing imbalances in our physical body, but also in the way we achieve success in life, relationships and business. 

Hence, we form subconscious patterns around what's safe or acceptable, that can play out in many ways. One very common one, that most people aren't aware of, is their pattern around success.

You might be on a good roll, moving excitedly towards your goals, but then all of a sudden you hit a so-called "upper limit", when your comfort zone deems your experience "too joyful", "too expanded"... in short: too far away from your comfort zone. 

This doesn't have to be your story though. You can set yourself up for success by freeing yourself of lifetimes worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits so that you can achieve all your goals and more!

You were born for amazing things - don’t let trapped emotions hold you back!

Book in for a complimentary Heart to Heart chat with me here

This article was first published in Holistic Bliss


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