Clear your Baggage and Create your Reality with Ease

“Your outer World is a reflection of your inner World.”

We all know this saying, but what does it really mean?

By now most of us have realised that we need to be a vibrational match to what we want to create and manifest in life.

However, that’s often easier said than done.

We can tell ourselves to be “positive” and “grateful” all we want, if our body (as a representation of our subconscious) holds a different belief, it’s not authentic and the Universe will know. This is called cognitive dissonance and will make manifesting your dreams impossible.

What to do about it?

To truly become the creator of our reality, we first need to understand that we need to look at our triggers, struggles and “yucky” emotions and acknowledge what they are trying to do FOR us, instead of seeing them as the enemy that we need to get away from. 

A simple rule of thumb is, if I can see a trait in someone else, I definitely possess that trait myself. Maybe they’re expressing something I’m currently repressing. Maybe they’re repressing something I’m currently expressing.

“A simple rule of thumb is, if I can see a trait in someone else, I definitely possess that trait myself.

It’s not always simple to deduce the exact pattern we’re running immediately, but if there’s a feeling of discordance or ‘trigger’ when observing a person or an event then there’s something we haven’t yet owned or dealt with internally (this is also known as our "shadow").

Our brain always wants to bring us back to a point where we live most authentically and true to our nature. So it will do its best to make the subconscious conscious and create scenarios in which we can recognise this lost and disowned aspect of ourself and claim it back. 

By looking at our triggers, we can consciously bring our shadow into light, own them back and release the charge.

As a result, we set ourselves free.

However, if we hold a lot of charge in our body towards the bespoke shadow aspect, we will need to release it from the body to create true freedom. This is where modalities and tools such as Clear your Shit and The Spiral come in, as well as The Footprint Connection Reflexology™. We can clear the charge around situations, emotions, archetypes, people etc extremely fast and potently. 

The result? 

Our body will be free of charge around our shadow, resulting in us not having to attract it into our reality anymore. This ultimately allows us to start creating our desired reality with so much more ease.

If you’re ready to take the brakes of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits off, so you can increase your sense of purpose, wealth and impact with ease and inner certainty, book in for a complimentary Heart to Heart chat with me here


Set Yourself up for Success


Values and How They Shape Your Reality