4 Key Principles to Manifesting Success

There is an ancient North American story of an elder talking to a boy. He tells him of the two wolves that live within one man. One is the wolf of love, hope and joy. It’s the wolf of truthfulness, honesty and loyalty. The other one is the wolf of anger, fear and hate. The boy asks the elder which one survives and gets to live. The elder replies: “The one you feed.”

Your subconscious will always look for a target, so if your thoughts are owned by worry and limiting beliefs, it’s called “negative goal setting” (in the absence of dreams and goals). 

In order to hack your subconscious and utilise the full potential of your thoughts, you need to begin by getting clear on your dreams and goals and practise 'feeding' those with your thoughts.

When I was little, my mum taught me to go for my dreams.  I had a focus. And I was driven. I was determined to make my dreams and visions come true. Life is for living and is not to be wasted on hoping for things to be different or on being unhappy. If you’re not happy, change it. That’s what I’ve always thought.

Of course, things get more and more complicated as you grow older, and with a family, for example, there are more responsibilities and different needs to take care of. However, if you do have a dream and take baby steps towards it, it’ll come true. When you commit, the universe will come and help you. You’ll see it in the flow you get to experience, the helpful people who will inevitably cross your path and the doors that unexpectedly open where you before would have never seen hope.

Get into flow and create your dreams with the following four principles:

“What all these scenarios have in common is that they are all examples of the main 7 forms of resistance that we all experience on our journey of living and sharing our truth with the world.


Get out of the rational, acquisitive, solution oriented left brain which governs the right side of our bodies and the masculine energies. Pass over to the right brain, which supplies the left half of our body and houses our CREATIVE mind. This includes art, flow, ideas, expression, breaking out of the box and making magic happen. In order for you to do this, go to a place that’s inspiring to you—most often this is in nature—or if you’re bound to home or city life, inspire or surround yourself with great artwork, relaxing music etc. Think of stuff that expands you, like a great outlook over the ocean or whatever makes your heart sing.


You need to form a clear mental picture of what you REALLY want. 


Once you’ve gotten crystal clear on what you want, you need to hold its exact picture in your IMAGINATION—with the fixed purpose of achieving what you want with an unwavering faith and the expectation that you will indeed get what you really want. That means you’ll need to stay positive, overcome obstacles, release old self-sabotage patterns and believe what you imagine is real.


In order for you to receive what you really want when the opportunity arises, you need to take action. This is what so many people seem to forget when they say, “I’ll just put it out there”. It’s good and well to trust, or hope that something awesome will happen. Indeed you actually need to do that, but it’s just not quite enough. You do really need to take aligned action too and then—watch out!—real magic can and will happen!

The more you imagine what you dream of to be real and the more action you take towards this dream, the more excited you feel and the more into the flow you get. It’s very straightforward. Once you’re in the flow, and you keep at it, you’re on the road to success!

If you’re ready to take the brakes off, in order to get crystal clear on your dreams and achieve those, I'd love to chat with you! You can book a complimentary heart-to-heart chat with me here.


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