Free resources & tools to help you take the brakes off + ignite your potential






Trapped Emotions Will Block Your Success

We are emotional beings and our emotions are experienced in response to our environment. Emotions are a normal part of life, as we experience and interpret the world through them. In order to lead a healthy, full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body, mind, and spirit connection, and then at some point let go of. On the other hand, those “not as good” emotions often follow a different trajectory and can block you from success…

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What’s Really Going on when you can’t seem to Up-level…

If you've been led to believe you can't always have what you want or you'll have to work hard in order to get ahead... that's exactly the reality you'll find reflected back at you. Regardless of how many positive affirmations you repeat, if your subconscious is holding onto these types of beliefs, you'll find yourself stuck in scarcity.

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Stop Resistance and Make the Impact you were Born for

If you are SO ready for your dreams but it just doesn't seem to happen, its likely due to what lies in your subconscious. When you try to expand into your big dreams it can trigger subconscious fears or trapped emotions keeping you stuck. Its time to stop resistance in its tracks and acknowledge these messages from your subconscious so you can break free and make the impact you were born for.

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Business, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew Business, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew

Fullfillment, Impact & Wealth - You can have it all!

If you struggle to find balance between work/ fulfilment/ wealth/ relationships and feel like you can't seem to keep all these balls up in the air at once, you are definitely not alone! Your prior conditioning and experiences (in this life and in the past) have lead you to subconsciously believe you can't possibly have it all. The truth is however, we don't have to choose between these areas of our life - we can choose to rewire our subconscious mind so that we can truly have it all!

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Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew Purpose, Leadership, Transformation Sand Mew

Harness the Power of Your Subconscious and Thrive

Being a conscious business owner is one of the most rapid paths of personal growth! As we grow and expand, our subconscious sends us roadblocks to keep us in safe, familiar territory, (and we all know that is not the best way grow a business!) So it's vital, that we do not let these roadblocks deter us, but instead learn to recognise them for what they are: opportunities for growth and expansion.

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Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew Leadership, Business, Purpose Sand Mew

4 Key Principles to Manifesting Success

Your subconscious will always look for a target, so if your thoughts are owned by worry and limiting beliefs, it’s called “negative goal setting” (in the absence of dreams and goals). In order to hack your subconscious and utilise the full potential of your thoughts, you need to begin by getting clear on your dreams and goals and practise 'feeding' those with your thoughts. Keep reading to find out more.

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Transformation, Leadership, Business Sand Mew Transformation, Leadership, Business Sand Mew

Clear Boundaries Allow For Energy + Flow

If friends, clients, or family cross your boundaries, I’m 99 percent certain that on some level you’ve allowed it. Don’t let other people or situations take your power away. Take it back by honouring what feels true for you at the time and express yourself authentically. That way you can keep moving forward in life and walking in integrity and alignment, which keeps you energised, focused and receptive.

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Transformation, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew Transformation, Leadership, Purpose Sand Mew

Stepping into Authentic Visibility takes more than what you think

Many people want it: to live their purpose, generate a great income doing what they love and making a difference at the same time.

Unfortunately not many people get there. Sabotage, procrastination, fears, distractions and other patterns have a strong grip and bring most people to a halt and point of giving up.

Most people think it's their own fault when things don't flow and/or business is not happening. They think they aren't made for it, blame their circumstances and start doubting themselves. On my own journey from near bankruptcy to multi-figure purpose-driven business, I've established 4 keys that are vital on the journey to monetise your inner calling and 'having it all' which I'd like to share with you today…

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Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew Transformation, The Spiral Sand Mew

Clear your Baggage and Create your Reality with Ease

By now most of us have realised that we need to be a vibrational match to what we want to create and manifest in life.

However, that’s often easier said than done.

We can tell ourselves to be “positive” and “grateful” all we want, if our body (as a representation of our subconscious) holds a different belief, it’s not authentic and the Universe will know. This is called cognitive dissonance and will make manifesting your dreams impossible.

To truly become the creator of our reality, we first need to understand that we need to look at our triggers, struggles and “yucky” emotions and acknowledge what they are trying to do FOR us, instead of seeing them as the enemy that we need to get away from.

If you’re ready to create your desired reality with more ease, keep reading…

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Transformation, Business, Leadership Sand Mew Transformation, Business, Leadership Sand Mew

7 Reasons Why Embodiment in Leadership is Key

Do you often feel wiped out after a team meeting or day of clients? You recall hearing tons of stories and sensing all sorts of emotions - sad, happy, stressed, chatting - your mind is spinning!

You feel like lying down and having a sleep. But first you need to get a bit (or more!) chocolate from the cupboard. It will lift the haze. It will give you energy again and make you feel better ..Surely!?

Taking on other people's stuff is a serious issue that most people are not even aware of. The good news is, I’ve developed a quick and powerful technique to combat this. Read more about how it could help you…

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5 Steps to Switch Overwhelm into Flow

Our lives are complex and can be overwhelming. I can't count the amount of clients anymore that I've been seeing over the past few months alone who have been feeling swamped. Overloaded. Under pressure. And because I know how these easy but powerful tips to simplicity and getting back to flow could benefit you too, I'd like to share them with you today.

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Transformation, Purpose Sand Mew Transformation, Purpose Sand Mew

Fear around COVID-19 and the Opportunities it offers

There is a lot of talk around Love versus Fear in response to the current COVID-19 right now. Everyone is affected differently, whether it be a stress response regarding health concerns, work, income, setup, etc or what these changes mean to the world, the economy and people’s freedom of choice. Here is a video conversation with Anna B Feldman (from the Heart of Visibility) about this very topic. It offers insight into our unique perspective on the current changes in the world and the huge opportunity they offer.

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The Spiral, Purpose Sand Mew The Spiral, Purpose Sand Mew

Uncover your Hidden Blocks and set Yourself Free

Have you ever asked yourself what the quickest way is to living your ideal life?

Most likely you have already done quite a lot of soul searching, self development and looking into your dreams and desires, and very possibly you've manifested a lot of magic with it.

But you might have also come across some hurdles and stubborn road blocks.

"Your outer World is a reflection of your inner World", they say..

But what does that really mean?

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What will change for you when you live your true potential and take your life, business, relationships and impact to the next level?

Free eBook

How to Recognise + Overcome THE 7 FORMS OF RESISTANCE

…So you can get to your Next Level of Purpose, Flow, Income + Impact

Grab your 40-page eBook now: Empower yourself with the knowledge of what’s really going on and how to overcome these invisible hurdles!