This is Why You Aren’t Progressing

Do you (sometimes) feel like you’re stuck and not making progress in your business or personal goals?

Do you ever feel like you’re on a hamster wheel, tirelessly running but not quite reaching your destination?

If you have a feeling like you're not really getting where you want to get too fast enough and you're just not progressing, then there are a few things that I would like you to check in on.

  1. Are your Goals aligned and clearly defined?

Firstly, it’s crucial to examine your clarity on your goals and vision. Are you fully behind them? Meaning, are you fully aligned with your vision and goal?

It’s okay if you’re not 100% clear right now. It's common to find ourselves lacking absolute clarity on our goals and aligned vision, so please don't be too hard on yourself. 

However, being clear about what you desire is extremely important. If you’re not quite clear on what it is, you’re going to start circling and potentially getting distracted with other ‘goals’ to achieve or shiny objects or other distractions in your life. In a nutshell, you won’t be able to progress on your goals.

“In the absence of clearly defined and aligned goals, our mind easily gets filled with other things”

2. What are you focusing on - the Gap or the Gain?

Additionally, I urge you to assess what you’re focusing on. Are you too preoccupied with the perceived gap between where you are and where you want to be? Many high achievers fall into this trap. They’ve achieved lots of stuff but still looking ahead and saying “I’m still not there. I’m still so far away”.

It’s easy to focus only on the goal and the gap that it takes to get there, but not actually focus on how far you’ve come already. Focus on the gain and how far you’ve come and what you’ve come through (as in challenges along the journey). So you can connect with yourself and feel some sense of pride - this is a key!

3. Are you in alignment or are subconscious Fears blocking you?

Alignment with your goals and vision, values and purpose is essential. Take the time to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level. When your actions are in harmony with your true essence, success becomes inevitable.

However, if your values are pulling you into a different direction than your goals, you won’t be able to move forward. For example, if you’d like to take your business to the next level, but it means that it might negatively impact your relationships with your partner and kids, you might find yourself sabotaging; creating dramas out of thin air, spinning your wheels or procrastinating on simple tasks.

Therefore, it’s extremely important to get really clear on what you want to achieve, and what’s in the way of you achieving this, so you can get into full alignment with yourself and your vision and goals first.

4. Are your core trauma patterns holding you back?

Additionally to the above reasons, we have Core Trauma Patterns that are governing our lives. Unless we clear those core patterns by the root, and become crystal clear on how to recognise them, as well as dissolve them, we won't be able to come back into full embodiment and alignment​.

​​That's not our fault either. It's just our responsibility to do something about. 

Once you’re in full alignment, you’ve cleared up the conscious and subconscious blockages and core trauma patterns and take aligned steps to get you closer to your goals and vision, your success becomes inevitable.

Remember, you are capable of achieving greatness once you align with your authentic self.

If you need clarity on going deeper into your goals and vision and making sure it’s fully aligned, and learn more about how to free yourself of the patterns and subconscious blockages that are holding you back, I invite you to explore additional resources, including videos and processes available on my YouTube channel - Sand Mew or my bestseller Ignite Your Potential, available on Amazon, Audible and all the major platforms.

Once you’re ready to free yourself and take the brakes off with a systematic, highly potent and long-lasting approach, let’s connect.

I very much look forward to supporting you on your journey to your success - in business and life! 


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