9 Signs That You’re Ready To Take The Brakes Off

Generally, you’ll know when you have the brakes on. You won’t feel satisfied with where things are at and / or you simply don’t feel good. 

My clients describe this frustration a lot when they contact me for the first time to work with me (no matter in what “category” of life); they feel like they’re sabotaging or something is holding them back, and they can’t tell what it is. It’s like their mind and their body believe different things, and this incongruence creates a vibrational mismatch that manifests in them having to either work way too hard for their desired results, or not receiving the outcomes they’re yearning for altogether (cognitive dissonance); either professionally or personally - or both.

They might have anxiety, self doubt, frequent bouts of frustration or feel blocked. 

Or they generally feel ‘fine’, with finances, business and relationships going well, but certainly don’t feel like they’re living their potential. 

Following are a few signs to assist you in identifying whether you’ve got the brakes on, and therefore trapped emotions, conditioning, upper limits and interferences in the way:

1) You’re playing small. 

If you've got trapped emotions, conditioning, upper limits and so on ruling the show, chances are you’ll feel like hiding and dimming your light.

2) You have anxiety in times of upleveling or expansion

But also at other times. You feel anxiety, stress, restlessness. You overthink. 

3) You feel tired, exhausted and drained.

No wonder! You’re trying to exhilarate with the hand brakes on! This is not only going to lead to a worn out vehicle (your body), but it will also lead you to procrastination and sabotage. 

4) You’re spinning your wheels, feel paralyzed or that you’re sabotaging.

You know what you need to do, but you just can't seem to do it. This is a clear sign that you need to start self clearing or get support right now.

5) You feel unproductive and find it difficult to focus.

Trapped emotions, conditioning, interferences, interdimensionals, whatever is going on, will make it very difficult for you to stay productive and focused. So if you’re keen to get stuff done and you wonder what is going on and holding you back, there is a reason.. These patterns will hold you back unless you address them. 

6) Things feel hard.

I think I've already been saying this in the last five points, but just one more time. Having the brakes on will make everything (extremely) hard for you. You won't be productive, feel focused, or like you can do stuff. You might not even believe in yourself anymore. 

7) You risk relationships, money and other things that are important for you in your life.

You might be argumentative and jeopardise your relationship(s), for example, close down a business or make some other major life changes, such as or breaking up from your partner or business partner. 

8) You’ve got brain fog or feel blocked and that things are too hard.  

You feel you're not good enough. You doubt and hesitate.

9) You feel you’ve got no time for this or are too busy for change.

You've got stuff going on. You can't afford it. You can't do it. You don't have the time, space, money, or any resources to do that. Well, that's the very reason why you need to do the work in the first place. 

10) Things are breaking or going wrong.

Stuff may be happening, seemingly out of your control; for example one of your work vehicles breaking down, followed by another accident, followed by some other errors. Another example is that your email or payment channels aren’t working well, as if something is blocking them. Chances are, there is!

11) Living a reality that is not matching your big dreams. 

You won't feel as expanded, great, excited or ignited as you would if you'd be fully in flow and alignment with yourself. 

You can completely repair your business(es), relationships and any situations, if they’re aligned, once you’ve dealt with your stuff.  

Having the brakes on; meaning having trapped emotions, conditioning, upper limits and so on ruling the show, will create havoc in your life and in your relationships. It can lead to major losses - monetary and emotionally.

So it's really, really important to address whatever is going on, because you can make big mistakes if you ignore them. 


However, once you deal with what's going on and clear it, things stop breaking and happening. You feel your heart open again. You start feeling fully connected again, with yourself and others. You can completely repair your business(es), relationships and any situations, if they’re aligned, once you’ve dealt with your stuff.  

Whatever is going on that shows you you’ve got the brakes on, the rule of thumb is: 

If you’re …

  • frustrated about where you’re currently at

  • sick of what you’re currently experiencing

  • Drawn to what you’ve learnt in this book

  • Simply clear on the fact that you’re ready to ignite your potential

… you’re ready to take the brakes off!


How to Overcome Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals


What Does 'Clearing' Mean?