What Does it Mean to be Fully in Your Body vs out of Body

I see our physical body like an empty shell or like a car that needs to be claimed so we can drive it around. Our spirit inhabits our body. When we are fully in our body that means our spirit is 100% embodied in the physical body.

The physical part of us is the bit that can take action, but if our physical is not filled with our spirit, the action is not going to be based on who we are and what we need to do, but on whatever else is around us.

Hence, if we’re not fully in the body, that means we’re like a glass that’s empty. It’s going to be filled with the air that’s around that glass no matter if there’s arguments and hate in the air or love. The glass will be filled with whatever’s around. So it’s vital as conscious leaders, who want to be operating in alignment with our limitless potential, to fill this glass with our intention or the beverage that we wish to drink.

Therefore, our body (being the glass) needs to be filled with 100% of our attention, awareness and presence.
We can practise that through mindfulness and even calling our own sprit into our own body. It might sound a bit weird initially when you’re not used to this terminology, but in the end, it’s very powerful. It’s all about intention; wherever your awareness is, is where your thoughts are, is where your focus goes.

So if you bring your awareness into your body and really scan the inside of your body, you bring your awareness into your physical. Even if it might feel yucky initially, even if its unsettling or restless, we need to bring our awareness inwards. From there, we can work on making it a more comfortable, safe and harmonious place that we WANT to be living in.

When we’re fully in our body; we feel safe.

We feel grounded .

We feel connected.

We feel supported.

We feel on track.

The deeper and more in our core we are, the more amazing we feel. We start feeling so safe and calm and centred and certain that we always know what we need to do. We feel really clear, confident and certain.

Unfortunately most of humanity is out of body at various degrees. To give you an idea, Australians are approximately 8% in their body, Americans 6% and Germans 4%. This is due to trauma, ancestral and collective baggage, trapped emotions etc.

Hardly anyone is actually in a point of inner certainty.

However, it is absolutely possible for all of us to get there. That's the big thing to remember. What’s blocking us from being in our body is trauma that we’ve stored, trapped emotions, energetic loops, agreements and subconscious beliefs.

Our body represents our subconscious…

Our body represents our subconscious and it’s still holding on to all these old memories for us because we don’t know about them. They’re not conscious, but want to become conscious. Therefore, our subconscious is very busy holding onto all this stuff, which then fills our space and time and distracts us from the present moment. It’s literally occupying our physical body. We can’t fully claim it in all its cells.

The first step is to clear all this baggage out of the way. It’s like a decluttering process in the house. Get rid of the old stuff, get rid of the broken stuff that no longer serves you and claim that space so you can fill it with whatever feels amazing.

Your body is the same. In my 20 years experience with transformational work, I’ve never found anything as potent as The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey (my version of The Spiral) to shed emotional baggage in the shortest amount of time possible.

If you're ready to get rid of the stuff that keeps you out of body, so you can fully claim it for yourself and ignite your potential, book a complimentary Heart to Heart chat with me now. There is nothing better than fully being in your body, loved and seen for who you are, magnetising goodness with ease and creating the life of your wildest dreams - you’re going to be the most amazing person to be around as you step into YOUR next level of alignment, purpose and impact.


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