Let Frustration Propel You Forward

Right from childhood most of us are taught to suppress our feelings of frustration, so you might be surprised to learn how helpful it can really be!

Frustration usually comes up in life, when we realise something is not quite right or not quite aligned. So it can actually serve as a really helpful reminder of how we can get back on track to our dreams. It might point out that things need to change, that we’ve have had enough and that we shouldn’t put up with things the way they are any longer.

Acknowledging our frustration rather than pushing it away can give us the fire and motivation to propel us forward and make that change happen. If it wasn’t for frustration and anger, we’d feel too content and would most likely never see the need for expansion, to do things differently or to improve our life. Things would be simply “ok”.

Acknowledging our frustration rather than pushing it away can give us the fire and motivation to propel us forward and make change happen.

I can clearly remember three nights on my entrepreneurial journey over the past 15 years, during which both my husband and I got really angry at our financial situation, stomped the ground and said, “No more!! We cannot continue like this! Something has to change NOW!!” We were so frustrated at the time. Not at each other, but at our situation. This frustration was what we needed to propel us forward. It made us draw a line in the sand. We both had to feel it, as a lot of the other times when only one of us had felt frustrated, the other one would try and balance it out (as in overcompensate).

Both of us letting our anger boil up was very powerful and initiated change. All three times, I stepped up a lot, fuelled by anger and my strong desire to make my vision come true and not give up and get a normal job instead, which kind of felt like death to me at the time. Every single time we saw massive changes happen as a direct result from the inner shifts that occurred during these nights.

When we have emotions coming up, we need to allow ourselves to feel them and acknowledge them. Think of emotions like a child that wants our undivided attention. If we don't listen, the child will get louder and louder until we do, right? Therefore, if we turn around and say, “Oh hello frustration. I can feel you. Thanks for showing up. What are you trying to do for me?” then our intuition can tell us the answer. We can see that frustration is trying to tell us that things aren’t right, that something that we are doing/ experiencing/witnessing doesn’t feel aligned with who we are and that something has to change/ be done until it does feel aligned.

So next time you feel the familiar sensation of frustration bubbling up inside, instead of clenching up, fighting it and pushing it away,  try stepping into this power of claiming back what it is you really desire. Let your frustration show you what's not aligned in your life and what you'd like to have instead and then move forward with the steps that it takes to get to that desired outcome.

If you’re a conscious leader, entrepreneur or business owner, ready to embrace frustration and get back on the path to your wildest dreams, I can support you to get there in the shortest amount of time possible. Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat with me now and let’s connect.


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