Get Clear on your Purpose

Are you yearning to have clarity on your purpose, so you can stop doubting and get on with your mission? If the journey of finding clarity on your purpose has been challenging, please know you’re not alone. 

I’ve been doing purpose work for many years (18 years +), but have noticed a trend that’s emerged over the last few years especially, where I’ve seen a lot more people feeling this inner calling and urge to spend their time on something more meaningful than what they have spent it on so far.

Although we crave more purpose, many of us feel daunted, swamped or lost with this task.

“You are a cocktail of experiences, and every ingredient contributes to the unique blend that is you

Why is this? 

I believe it’s because we’ve been literally disconnected from ourselves by the society we live in and the way things have been set up for us as people.

The way we get birthed and treated as babies, the way we are made to think and feel as little ones, the conditioning we learn from our parents and the people around us in our most formative years of 0–6/7. These factors all contribute to a big level of disconnect in between people and to ourselves. 

As we get older, we are expected to know what we want to do with our lives, but often we start something totally different to what we are drawn to, just because there is so much pressure to make money and start the ‘duties of life’.

We literally need to unlearn and relearn a new way of inner connection and a path to finding clarity by going within instead of outwards. 

Finding your purpose is a deep, inner inquiry and reconnection with your innate gifts. It’s a journey of remembering who you truly are. 

You are a cocktail of experiences, and every ingredient contributes to the unique blend that is you. 

Note: Finding your purpose is NOT finding a label of what best describes your technique or the modality that you do!

In fact, it’s got not all that much to do with what it is that you do exactly or what technique you use, as in whether you practise kinesiology, have a construction company or consulting firm. More importantly, it depends on who you are, what drives you, your authentic expression modalities, your values, your big vision and what your “Big Why” is that gets you out of bed in the morning.

The label for your modality or profession is of secondary importance. 

For example, it’s my purpose, based on my expression modalities, to connect, inspire, facilitate deep transformation and travel. As long as I express and live this purpose, it doesn’t matter all that much whether I do this by offering mentoring, The Spiral , creating a modality or by writing a book. In other words, it’s not my book or the technique I use that is my highest purpose, but my unique cocktail of experiences, blended with my beliefs and my “Big Why” that is my highest purpose. It’s sharing my message and living a life that fully expresses me and that is in full alignment with who I am.

Our purpose is to bring the whole scope of our work, all that we are and all of what we are about to the world. My personal purpose is to inspire and empower people to remember who they truly are and help them to form a strong relationship with their Limitless Potential version of themselves. That way, they can make the biggest positive impact possible during their time on Planet Earth whilst enjoying a deeply rich, aligned, abundant and fulfilling life.

The deeper the transformation and the bigger the impact that I facilitate, the more my soul lights on fire and makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning with excitement!

Why? Because I know that when people find this deep place of inner connection and knowledge of themselves and who they are and why they are here, it not only blasts the brakes off, but they also find peace and a deep sense of belonging. Also, when they experience this deep sense of peace, trust and connection within themselves and the universe, everything in their reality changes. Struggle disappears as they perceive the world in a different light.

As a result, their entire experience on earth changes. Their relationships become more harmonious; their parenting becomes more solid, grounding and stabilising for their children; and their connections with people at work, in public, or wherever they go becomes more authentic, deep and powerful. In turn, their partners have a better experience and get inspired to look at themselves too; their children grow into more grounded, empowered individuals who know who they are; and the people who cross paths with them get positively affected too. If they happen to work with other people, they will have a positive effect on them as well, which then creates a ripple effect out into the world. It’s quite magical when we look at the effects that our work has like that!

When I then take this ripple effect even further and keep asking myself what happens as a positive result from it, I know the final answer is world harmony. That is my biggest why. Furthermore, the knowledge that we only have a limited amount of time left to make a bigger change in the world, and the fact that my work might potentially help unlock, unleash or inspire the biggest change makers, healers or inventors (directly or indirectly), gives me the biggest amount of motivation and drive ever.

My husband has often asked me: “Sand, what keeps you going day in and out with so much energy, drive and passion?” My answer is: “My Big Why”.

That’s why I highly recommend getting clear on yours too, as it will determine the level of passion, energy, motivation and stamina you will find for your work.

If you've already done the Spiral with me previously and are ready for YOUR next level of alignment, income and impact, get in touch to join us for another round!


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