Discover Your Unique Pathway To Success

There is way more to living your purpose and creating a fulfilling life, and potentially successful business, than just figuring out your message (i.e. what you stand for) and how to deliver it (i.e. what product or service you want to offer). If you want to create a life that’s based on you sharing your gifts, you’ll need to learn how to monetise them too and put all the pieces in the right order.

You’ll need a pathway; a business model and strategy that suits your individual self; your personal expression modalities, your genius, human design and personality type. Funnily enough this is something that not many business mentors seem to talk about, because for some reason a lot of them simply offer their cookie-cutter system that has helped THEM to get to the top. Therefore, they just sell it to everyone else too and expect these people to have the same results. I find it quite sad to see, because really, we are all different people with different personalities, gifts, strengths and weaknesses. We are not meant to be the same, so why approach life and business in the same way?

Some of us are meant to be shining on stage, others behind technology and screens and others again by supporting someone else’s cause. You might love hanging out in groups and connecting contacts in your networks with each other; or love creating and just want to lock yourself away in a different room and produce something really empowering or inspiring and create a buzz that way. Or you might love deep one-on-one connection that makes you thrive but find that you’re not really into writing or speaking. Then there are others yet again, who love and need a combination of these forms of expression.

I’ve found the Wealth Dynamic Profile by Roger Hamilton very interesting and helpful on this topic, as well as Human Design and Marketing With Your Unique Blueprint by Phoebe Kuhn. It’s also amazing how much of this is to be found when looking at people’s body and especially feet! It’s not an understatement when I say, “Your path is written in your feet” (check out The Footprint Connection here which is a modality that I’ve founded many years ago).

I find it very challenging and sad to see that a lot of mentors and coaches recommend a “one-way-fits-all” strategy. This approach results in people not getting the results they want, and feeling unsuccessful or defeated, as they are misled. It also makes them feel as if they have to fit into this cookie- cutter system. People are being pushed to feel that they have weaknesses or that they aren’t good enough—just because they don’t fit into someone else’s box. It does not have to be this way!

“I find it very challenging and sad to see that a lot of mentors and coaches recommend a ‘one-way-fits-all’ strategy.

The process of discovering your message, your purpose and your expression modalities emphasises your natural gifts and talents, rather than your weaknesses.

When we are focusing on the contraction, rather than the expansion, we feel confused, stuck and unclear. I’m all for expansion and flow, feeling good, aligned and fulfilled. It’s about actually honing in on your strengths, your truth, what drives you and lights you up, but also the struggles which have taught you so much. This will allow you to see a crystal-clear picture forming that makes you realise just how much absolutely everything that’s happened to you in your life so far represents an important puzzle piece of the whole picture that is you. Everything has happened and will happen for a reason, to make you an even more aligned and fuller expression of yourself.

When you reach that point in your life when all of a sudden everything seems to click into place and make sense, you’re there. Some people refer to this as your Zone of Genius. Your Zone of Genius is a term that often gets mistaken for your Zone of Excellence, which is where most people build their careers. The Zone of Excellence is the zone in which you are tremendously skilled. It’s cultivated, practiced and established over time.

In the Zone of Genius on the other hand, you optimise your natural abilities which are innate, rather than learned. In this state, you get into “flow”, find endless amounts of inspiration, and excel far and beyond what anyone else is doing. Living from here, everything becomes easy and flows. You KNOW you’re doing amazing work, you get outstanding results, your clients don’t shy away but get magically attracted to you. You are lit up, in flow, with momentum, with your clients loving it, you loving it and you feeling amazing, while your business is rocking.

This is why I put such a big emphasis on this topic in my mentoring programs and journeys; establishing your purpose, message, expression modalities and aligned pathway is a key foundation for your life, business and legacy, and it will influence all further steps from there.

Therefore, get really clear on your unique purpose; as in how to best express all that there is of you, who you are, your bigger why, what’s driving you, what it gives you and the world, and what lights you up about it. Also get crystal clear on your unique forms of expression; what you need to live and express in order to feel totally alive, lit on fire and amazing.

In saying all this, don’t get me wrong. Discovering your Zone of Genius is not the be and end all either. There is no end point to the journey, it simply gets much better and more effortless than ever. However, to stay in this flow, you’ll still be required to do the inner work to keep it up and to then expand and grow from there.

I’d like to emphasise that all these answers are to be found WITHIN you, not all around you. No one else will be able to give them to you, unless they know how to read your body, feet and/or being. And even then, they might not be able to see the complete and complex picture that is you. Or, they might be able to tap into and see your limitless potential, however, if you’re not quite ready to fully see and feel this yet, you might not be able to hear and understand fully what they are saying just yet. Then it is a matter of time, working on removing what’s holding you back and integrating these changes into your life, to come to the point where you can fully grasp the hugeness of your own potential.

Over many years of offering purpose and direction readings through the feet via Footprint Analysis sessions, which I now only offer as part of my transformational journeys and teach, I’ve found that there are countless people who want to know what their purpose, direction and potential looks like. However, only some are prepared to face the fears and challenges that it takes to overcome, in order to truly live it.

I know first-hand what it takes to take the brakes off, unapologetically share your gifts and exponentially grow from there, and therefore absolutely love witnessing what’s possible for people once they’ve gone through The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey / The Spiral (1:1 and via groups) with me.

The main important bit here is, no matter what mentor, practitioner or techniques you’re utilising, make sure that all of them are helping you do one thing. Namely, they need to help you clear whatever is blocking you from accessing YOUR truth - no-one else’s.

The true answer will always come from deep inside of you, and this truth might slightly change and adjust with time, as you grow and expand too. However, as long as you keep listening and tweaking your approach and stay in total alignment with yourself at all times, you know you’re finally home.

If you've already done the Spiral with me and are ready for YOUR next level of alignment, income and impact, get in touch to join us for another round!

Together we rise.

The time is now.


Harness the Power of Your Subconscious and Thrive


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