Never Underestimate the Power of Struggle - it Leads to Your Purpose

When you're on the search for clarity around your purpose, you might start to look for clues in your past. Let me emphasise the importance of not pushing away the struggle.

Those times in your life that you’re not so proud of are just as important, if not more important to take note of than the fun and easy ones. The deep and dark times in your past can give you strong clues of what your life’s work will be focusing on. All those times that you feel ashamed of and that you’d rather cut out of your memory, as if they’d never happened, all have a meaning. You might end up suppressing and forgetting parts of them, but these memories want to be acknowledged just as much as the happy times do.

By suppressing them or banning them from your memory, you’re actually manifesting a huge blockage in your life, like a rock, that’s standing between you and your dreams. This rock then keeps you stuck in reliving the past, stuck in the story, in the pain and the fear of reliving it again, and it keeps you from actually living what you truly desire. As you work your way through and out of challenges, you’re being guided to learn and uncover your secret superpowers, which you might have otherwise never found out about. You can then also show others the way, if they’re suffering from similar issues in their lives.

So rather than suppressing certain memories or pretending that they have never happened, the aim is to acknowledge and embrace every moment and experience of your life, no matter whether perceived as positive or negative. As part of my journey of endeavouring to live a 100% aligned and purposeful life, I’ve pretty much made all mistakes possible under the sun. But each and every one of them has taught me so much.

In 2011, I made the choice of searching for money over flow and full alignment. We moved interstate, away from my successful home clinic, to open up a shop. After a couple of years, which first went really well, we nearly went bankrupt. I had empty clinic days in my space out the back. I had empty bank accounts, scraping for the dollars to support my family and sick husband at the time. I did everything by myself and nearly burnt out. Hello perfectionist!

After selling our shop and deciding to focus only on things that are in 100% alignment with my purpose from then onwards, I wanted to set up an online business and continue to offer my reflexology and feet reading services. I was completely new in the online space at the time and also to properly promoting myself. To save money, I tried to figure everything out myself— only to find myself years down the track and having spent tens of thousands of dollars. I’m not lying when I say it was tough!

Since then, a lot has changed. I have a successful, impact- focused, multi 6-figure business doing what I absolutely love and that I’m very passionate about, with my ideal clients finding me. I’ve created my own modalities to connect people with their unique footprint on Planet Earth and also to Take The Brakes Off™ which I love practising via online journeys and teaching all over the world. I support conscious leaders and successful business owners to free themselves of lifetimes’ worth of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits, so they can contribute their unique gifts to the world and increase their flow, purpose, income and impact with ease.

In order to turn things around like that and go from struggle street to full power on track, I’ve been having to invest in myself and my business and take high level mentors who helped me. They helped me first get clear on my unique purpose, message, expression modalities, ideal clients and aligned strategy, and then they supported me in continuously stepping into a bigger and bigger container, learning everything that it takes to show up on a bigger scale and work with people on and offline globally.

“I had to grow an abundance mindset and learn how to be the creator of my own life

…not just by manifesting, but also by taking deep ownership of my flaws, my dark side, my shadows—and then taking action from this place. I had to learn to step into my power, set and hold boundaries, speak up and communicate my needs, and fully express myself. I learnt all about resistance and sabotage, why and when these show up and how to overcome them.

This has changed my life, family dynamics and business. I had to clear, and keep clearing, my backpack of stories that had been holding me back from playing a bigger game. Nothing has been the same since I started clearing my baggage and rewriting my story.

During this journey I also downloaded the process of uniting back with our limitless version, which I’ve since been guided to share with the world at large via my work, book and more.

Would I ever have been able to plan any of this?! No!

I could have never imagined things like that in my wildest dreams!

The way I came across all these amazing tools, people and shifts in my life was only because I was struggling in those areas of my life in the first place.

Never underestimate the power of struggle, especially when it leads to your purpose!

If you've already done the Spiral with me and are ready for YOUR next level, feel free to reach out and get all the details about my current support options.

Together we rise.

The time is now.


Stop Resistance and Make the Impact you were Born for


Fullfillment, Impact & Wealth - You can have it all!