Is Self-Doubt Depleting your Immune System?

Most likely you are aware of most of the basic foundational blocks that make up a rock solid immune system:

  • nutritious food

  • exercise

  • herbal teas and supplements, if and when applicable

  • plenty of rest and sleep

…but did you know your emotions play an important role too?

See, our immune system is pretty much the physical representation of our protection mechanism.

If you imagine a fortress that’s warding off an attack during medieval war times; they would have all helped together within the fortress to aim for success, right?

However, what’s happening all too often is, that we attack ourselves within.

Self doubt depletes your immune system.

Maybe you’ve had a rough morning and you’re driving to work, still thinking about it. Maybe you’re feeling down on yourself for the way you reacted or responded to the situation. So instead of being at peace with yourself and being present in the moment, you attack yourself with negative thoughts like ‘oh you suck, you should have really known better’ or ‘that was so not good enough!!’

... all resulting in emotions such as self doubt, guilt and shame.

And what do these low frequency emotions do to you?

They deplete you. (And this includes your immune system!!)

Hence, going back to our example of the medieval fortress; Instead of fighting off the attack with all your focus and attention on the attacker, you have another attack happening - within your own fortress walls!! - taking away all your attention of what you ACTUALLY need to focus on.

What do you think happens as a result from this?

Yes, the attacker wins over in no time!

What does this example have to do with our immune system?

When you’re attacking yourself with harsh thoughts, disgust or self beliefs, you’re effectively depleting your immune system.

Self doubt depletes your immune system.

So how can we clear this self doubt and inner war, and create a confident, harmonious environment for our body to thrive and ward off anything negative - no matter if pathogens, nay-sayers, negative thoughts or emotions?

Self doubt can be released via acknowledgement and emotional clearing.

My 8 week Ultimate Breakthrough Journey/ The Spiral is designed to take you through the process of clearing the largest amount of emotional baggage, conditioning and upper limits within the shortest amount of time, whilst raising your level of consciousness. That means we take the brakes off whatever is holding you back from living your limitless version, so you can go for your dreams and make the positive impact you are here for!

Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat with me here.


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