Discover What Lights Up Your Whole Being!

In an age of shiny object syndrome, instant gratification and persuasive picture-perfect social media it can be tricky to discern what it is that you really, truly want and desire—not just what you THINK you want, but what actually lights up your whole being. 

Unfortunately, many of us mistake what OTHERS want, or what society EXPECTS, with what WE want—which could be miles away from the truth!

Let’s use the example that you want to become a lawyer. But really you only want this because your parents wanted you to. 

When you think of traveling around the world instead, your heart skips a beat and you feel excited... until your brain kicks in and says:

Calm down, you’ve got a mortgage to pay! You can’t go traveling now!”

A lot of people make the mistake of going for something that they THINK they believe in and want, but really, it’s what someone else wants for them or what they think is expected of them. This can only ever lead to an unfulfilled, ‘meh’ life that leads to emptiness, a lack of fulfilment and joy, anxiety, depression, even numbness, possibly addictions, mood swings... in short: all but your Limitless Potential and an extraordinary life!

So you can see just how important it is to know what truly lights YOU up.

Let's get down to the process of of getting clear ON YOUR TRUTH.

For some of us, this is the trickiest part: knowing what you really, truly want and desire—not just what you think you want, but actually what lights up your whole being. It’s a process that requires you to be able to dream big and listen within, rather than to all those voices and opinions around you.

Deciphering between YOUR truth and other people’s truth, especially when it comes to influencers in your life, such as parents, siblings, partners, society, media, even coaches, can be one of the hardest things to do—but that's a story for another time!

For now, I highly recommend you grab a big sheet of paper and dedicate some time to yourself to write out a crazy list of your wildest dreams and remember: 

Limitations are a creation of the mind!

Take your dreams and consider;

Does it make you feel excited/ uplifted/ expanded?

Or, does the thought of what you've written actually make you feel contracted/ tired/ overwhelmed/ pressured?

If it does, it is not a dream of yours, it’s something you THINK you should be wanting, but it’s actually someone else’s dream. So simply go by what makes YOU feel really excited, tingly, happy, open, and expanded deep inside—that’s it!

Break those dreams that light you up into bite-sized action steps and now you have yourself some actionable goals. Your dreams are just the seeds. Now it's time to go and plant them; which means take action on them. 

If you're having trouble with either defining what lights you up or creating this vision in 3D, please know, you're not alone with this. My transformative The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey / The Spiral (1:1 and via small groups), which includes a powerful Manifestation Clear at the end, is renowned for helping my clients to get crystal clear on their big visions and take the brakes off, so they can turn these into reality. 

Are you feeling the call?

Book a complimentary heart-to-heart chat with me here.


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